Our Airstream A/C Takes A Leak


Gurgle Spit Gush... our Airstream takes a leakLet me lay this out for you. Wednesday night Charlene says "Did you here that gurgling noise?" Me being the perfect husband replied "That? Oh, that was nothing". Thursday night I'm laying in bed around midnight when I feel a drop of water hit my foot. "Hey baby, I think we have some condensation in the A/C unit". But since we turn off the rear unit every night I figure it will just evaporate and all will be good. Now Friday we have plans in Mobile, AL; about an hour plus away. As we are getting ready... gush. What seems like 2 or 3 gallons of water just pours out of the inside grill onto the bed. Did I mention we just replaced the mattress on Thursday morning? That will be another story. We pull off all the linen thankful we spent the extra for a quality everything proof mattress cover. I have to give my darling wife credit here, no I Told You So when she had the perfect opportunity. The plans get changed and we get to work.While I start checking references Charlene strips the bed and pulls out the extra towels. Dometic manuals...nope; google...nothing really helpful; forums...hmmmm blowout the tube and clean the top of the unit. Call Airstream...love the mothership. They don't ask if it's under warranty, just jump in to help. What, now the thermostat has an error code?! WTF does E1 mean??? Phone call in and returned from Colonial Airstream service department. Walk me through the removal of the inside cover, explain the drain system, discuss E1 and tell me how to dry out the communications, and explain the "what" and "why". My heros.A phillips screw driver, Ryobi cordless air pump, a few choice words, teamwork, and a little time and ... we are back in business. On vacation from our vacation in a couple weeks, so Alice will go in for an A/C check up and cleaning.