Summer Jersey Shore House For Rent

Summer Jersey Shore House For Rent. Oh my Don, are you slamming us with a shameless plug to make a little money?  I would have to answer that with a resounding NO while at the same time say... umm maybe. This isn’t a plea for money, that will come in other forms in the future (gasp-oh my), this is a simple story about a girl who looked at a situation and decided to make it better. Let me bend your ears, okay since you’re reading this-your eyes, and tell you about 315 Pelham Ave in Beach Haven, New Jersey. 

Charlene’s mom has a summer rental property down the Jersey shore on LBI. One day, back in March, Char’s sister tells her “did you know mom only has it rented for 2-3 weeks?” What? This is a duplex and should be booked up a total of 12 weeks per unit, 24 weeks.  Why do we have so many empty weeks?  Since Char wasn’t working and we since have put some of our travels on hold temporarily she decided to look into it and fix it. Look into it? More like grab it by the horns and twist it to the ground like a champion rodeo cowboy. Some of the problems she found were the lack of a marketing plan of any type, beds and amenities needed updating, and simply put her mom, who for some strange reason is still 29 years old, just plain needed a helping hand.  What did she do? Grabbed her rubber gloves, bought stock in windex, added smart TVs, plus changed out mattresses, furniture and window coverings. With the help of her Dad (remember Moses from out AT hike?) and contractors made updates to the exterior, electrical, and climate controls. Sis, Heather, tracked down deals, helped with designs, and put together a welcome guide (among other things). Me, color me manual labor (lol), and website developer although we did enlist some professionals to make the website rock. And Mom has the biggest job of all... writing the checks. Time flies when you’re having fun and with a couple days remaining the house was ready to go. Oh, the summer is now booked up with end of season weekends open though mid-October for events like Chowder Fest and the such. Done isn’t done and Char, mom and sis are still hands on weekly and discussions are underway to push availability deeper into the winter months and earlier in the spring too. Check out the website and videos and (shameless plug engaged) consider the house as a base of operations for your summer vaca.

Thanks for joining our awesome adventure and as you can see, plans may change, but sometimes you find a more meaningful use of your time. 

Note: Mom said Char did a great job!!!


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